St. John’s, NL (Canada) – Integrated Informatics, Inc. would like to commend our developers in St. John's, Newfoundland for their team's participation and victory in the Hacking Health Hackathon held in the city this past weekend, April 28th through 30th. Further congratulations go to two of our very own GIS Developers – Jeremy Hetzel and Gerard Noseworthy – whose team, Meta-Clinic, was awarded the top prize!

Although the overall prize was split between two teams – Meta-Clinic and PatientMe – it does not diminish the accomplishment any less. As the first event held by Hacking Health in St. John’s, all participants were able to bring creative and innovative solutions to the table for potential use in the health sector. Combining these experiences and ideas from so many talented individuals resulted in truly profound solutions - many of which sought to use data already at the fingertips of healthcare professionals. For example, Meta-Clinic’s own solution was to leverage the power of metadata to optimize client registration for Blood Clinics.
We are thrilled to have been able to participate in this innovative process and look forward to future Hacking Health events!
About Hacking Health

Hacking Health is an international movement designed to improve health care by inviting technology creators and health care professionals to collaborate on realistic, human-centric solutions to front-line problems.
For more information about this event, please visit the event website.