Inventory System Drastically Reduces Time Spent On Indexing, Search, Analytics, and System Health Checks
Houston, TX (US) – Integrated Informatics Inc. today unveils Integrated Marco Studio version 4.0.0. The Integrated Marco Studio suite bundles Integrated Marco Desktop and Integrated Marco Commander to meet the needs of spatial data inventorying, indexing, search, analytics, and health checks in support of Esri-based Enterprise GIS implementations.

Integrated Marco Desktop is a rebranding of Integrated’s long-standing Repoint and Repath (RnR) suite of tools. This release includes numerous enhancements related to ArcSDE migrations with a special consideration for changes in the underlying relational databases and the effect on data references within ArcGIS Map Documents (.mxd) and Layer Files (.lyr).
The newly-released Integrated Marco Commander is constructed from the same Marco Desktop core functionality built-up over the past 5+ years of development, but has been greatly enhanced in the areas of performance and reliability. Performance levels for inventory and indexing of spatial data sources and spatial data references far outshine any other commercially available search solution for the Esri platform.
“In most projects we or our clients undertake, it is imperative that current-state details be fully captured prior to implementing any changes. We’ve observed alternative approaches taking unrealistically long amounts of time to generate inventories, and in some cases, multiple months. Some inventories were never completed. Using Marco Studio, we can perform these inventory jobs in a matter of hours or days, for several terabytes of data, millions of datasets, and hundreds of thousands of documents,” said Jason Humber, Principal Consultant at Integrated Informatics.
Integrated Marco Commander is designed specifically for parallel processing and fully utilizes the resources of server-class machines. Out of the box, Marco Commander supports multiple installations on multiple machines and utilizes a central index and central controller for managing jobs, tracking changes, and providing common access to gathered data.

Integrated Marco Studio is a suite of applications built with the ArcGIS platform and Knowledge Management in mind. These Add-Ins and web applications help teams to better manage and maintain the Geographic Information System (GIS) spatial data that they rely upon. Software is intended for use with ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro. More information can be found at