If you have been reading along for previous #MarcoMonday posts, it is likely you have heard a word or two about Integrated Marco Mystic. No, this is not our local fortune teller…or is it?
Integrated Marco Mystic is a web-based client of the Integrated Marco Studio suite. It combines functionality of a search engine, analytical prowess, and Spatial Data Inventory all in one familiar interface. It likes to put the “bang” in “bang for your buck”.
Since you already know a little about this application, I thought I would introduce you to a few features that tie the interface together, that really give it that pizazz. If you are still scratching your head and curious what the gist is behind this data demagogue, explore the OP – or Original Post – here.
1. Administrative Access (aka Secure, Suckas)
Following in the path of other Integrated Marco Studio applications, Integrated Marco Mystic has two sides – an Average Joe Interface and Administrative Access. Allowing for access by an Administrator safeguards against modifying and running any potentially sensitive functions. It ensures that the configuration of the inventory outlined by the Administrator is not accidentally altered or overridden when shared with others.
As shown in the image below, the Administrator may log in to this side of Integrated Marco Mystic within the app itself. By logging in, he or she is greeted with tools that are not available to the common-folk. Thankfully for the common-folk, however, they still retain the power to search and search to their heart’s content even without this privilege.

For more information on this feature within Integrated Marco Mystic, the Admin Anonymous post may be help to get you up to speed.
2. Spatial Data Inventory and More
Spatial Data Inventory is a huge component within the Integrated Marco Studio suite, and it is even more exemplified within this application. What else would you have to search if not for this handy-dandy catalog?
The various inventory tools made popular by Integrated Marco Commander are all available within the Integrated Marco Mystic application. They function the same way and produce the same output. The catch? The interface is much different.
Integrated Marco Commander was originally designed with standard server use in mind, basing the solution’s function on operation within a Windows Command Prompt. It is purely run from command-line. There are many who are comfortable with this method of running tools, preferring command operations over gaudy buttons any day. However, we recognize that this is not everyone’s cup of tea. We also realize that it is often easier to do everything right in one place. This is where Integrated Marco Mystic comes in to play.

Accessible through the Administrative log-in, inventory and analysis tools are shown within an easy-to-use interface, grouped based on use-categories. The input required for each tool is not much different from that of Integrated Marco Commander. Where the user would once type out the tools in a properly ordered command-line with any applicable run options, tools are now deployed by inputting the values and options into the respective fields. In addition, Integrated Marco Mystic still allows for viewing processing details.
3. Search Engine for All
The prime feature of Integrated Marco Mystic is its innate ability for performing a search against the inventory. The OF - or Original Function as those who like coming up with their own names call it - persists within the most recent versions of the applications and is continually enhanced. Allowing for searching against the Marco Database in whatever format it exists (e.g., SQLite, SQL Server, etc.), it returns results within milliseconds for the user to then narrow down aided by the plethora of filter options available.

4. Analytical Smorgasbord
Did someone mention “filters”? No, not Valencia shading or flower crowns with which that word is often associated. Rather, this refers to the smorgasbord of analysis options available at your fingertips within Integrated Marco Mystic. Filters are currently the most prominent tool for analysis within this solution, offering a way for you to narrow down results until they fit the exact criteria desired. This includes anything from determining the date last accessed to pulling records for only a certain tag. With the option to apply multiple filters simultaneously, the possibilities are nearly as endless as your data.

Another feature on this delightful analytical buffet? Charting. What I like to refer to as the dessert option, this approach facilitates the creation of a chart for your search results. It allows you to further define this information by applying those same filters you would otherwise take advantage of should you be perusing words rather than bars. It is a neat feature that helps in visualizing what has been uncovered, showcasing results in a more aesthetic and decipherable way.

5. Easter Eggs of Data Discovery
Last, but not least, what fun would a piece of software be if there weren’t a few tricks that you may uncover along the way? Two of these Easter Eggs are the ability to find results for the same owner and data source.
Viewing a record's individual listing provides you with the option to search for more records by the owner listed. It is a quick way both to tell how many records are attributed to the account as well as perform another search on the fly without returning to the home page.

Likewise, this option is available for the data source path. Yes, the full data path. This is a quick way to discern if or where there may live duplicates of datasets and ArcGIS Map Documents. It is encouraged to double check the physical files before cleaning up any multiples of a dataset, should they be found.

Integrated Marco Studio is a suite of applications built with the ArcGIS platform and Knowledge Management in mind. These Add-Ins and web applications help teams to better manage and maintain the Geographic Information System (GIS) spatial data that they rely upon. Software is intended for use with ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro. More information can be found at www.marcostud.io.