If you are looking to catch up on a good read (or two...or five), you have come to the right place! In this week's #WeekliiiRoundUp post, we take a look at insights in software development, Iron Viz imaginations, and newest innovations in the Esri platform.
It is no secret that Esri has a slew of data portals up their sleeves - everything from ArcGIS Online to...well, Portal itself. Have you heard about its latest platform designed to give you access data clusters and the like? It's called ArcGIS Hub, and this article walks you through how one organization in particular employed it to enhance their community outreach programs and lives in general.
Probably the best - read that as "thought-provoking" - articles of this week's #DailyBrainCandiii posts comes to us via one of the minds behind companies like Trello and FogCreek.
We all know that it takes a team, or even team of teams, to successfully run a business. Just having a great product does not guarantee success.
Likewise, just shouting from the rooftops why people should buy said product does not guarantee consumers will come knocking. This is true for every industry - from automobiles to clothing to skateboards and even on to...you guessed it...software. This article talks about the importance of every aspect of a company when it comes to software development, how developers and their otherworldly skills are the boat but those individuals responsible for aspects like management or marketing help in keeping that bag of boards on course. It's a great read for those of us who are interested in seeing what the other side sees.
There is a quote out there that goes to the tune of something like, "The more you know about the past, the better you are prepared for the future." Aside from being a great bumper sticker, its wise words speak to many situations - including cartography. This article takes a stroll through the history and potential horizon of cartography to help us better understand where we came from and how that may impact our growth down the road.
Digging into the nitty-gritty, here is a resource for those of you who may be involved in development, are responsible for documenting your projects, or just like to nerd out on all things JavaScript or Sphinx. There are more of you than you're willing to admit, no shame. This article talks about the value in using sphinx-js over JSDoc for Javascript projects. Sphinx has long seen favor in the Python community because of its support for multiple languages and output formats and its abundance of features that make documentation truly worthwhile, like the ability to search its contents.

This is not the first time we have mentioned Tableau's Iron Viz here, and it won't be the last. For those of you who think this is a strong-man competition or an audition for new-age Vikings, sadly...I will have to correct you. Iron Viz is a competition put on by Tableau where normal, everyday users are encouraged to use specific resources within the application to product interesting dashboards. The final round commences at the company's annual conference at the end of the year. This year's competition is centered around Tableau's newest spatial connection feature. If you're looking for tips, tricks, or just geo-gorgeous dashboard inspiration, this post gives you a number of resources to tide you over until the final showdown.
This week's #MapOfTheDay has a bit of personality. This pick comes to us in the form of the Atlas of ReUrbanism, a project that charts 50 US cities based on their "character". Granted, this term could mean many things. It's no stereotypical map or one geared towards a map of Broadway stars. Instead, it looks at urban development within these cities, equally weighting the median age of buildings, the diversity of this age, and the size of buildings and parcels. If you look at the example below in Houston, the variation is not that surprising. As the suburbs continue their sprawl, so too do the newer homes. Meanwhile, the various Wards within the Inner Loop still boast a fair amount of structural diversity.

#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.