It has been a short week for some, but the fact still remains - We all made it here to this very same #WeekliiiRoundUp. Below is a collection of fun articles and maps from our #DailyBrainCandiii and #MapOfTheDay posts this week, ready for the reading!
There's also a bit of Esri User Conference talk for those interested. Read on.
I’ve mentioned before how sometimes our #DailyBrainCandiii and #MapOfTheDay posts tend to sync up with a theme. It’s purely incidental…Unless, of course, you happen to like this, then I’ll take all of the credit! This week’s theme seems to be “Embracing Maps and Big Data for Marketing Purposes,” and it happens to be fairly enlightening. This article for example, brings us a collection of “persuasive maps” that reveal how our trust in cartography can be used to sway us. After all, the map reader sees what we want them to see.
Where the previous post showcases how we often use spatial representation for our gains, this article does the complete opposite by waxing poetic on employing Big Data for customer values rather than targets. Big Data is often used to analyze the buying habits of customers in order to predict their next purchase, using this information to target them for future transactions. This typically only leads to short-term successes though. They may be satisfying, but boy, they are not sustainable! By placing focus on why a customer is buying your product and when, you can develop a more thorough long-term strategy for helping the consumer help you. Who doesn't love a win-win?

If you are in the Geographic Information System (GIS) world, you undoubtedly know that the Esri User Conference takes place next week. When thousands of your closest friends and fellow geo-geeks arrive in San Diego, this is bound to be one of the hot topics. ArcGIS Pro, Esri’s next-generation desktop platform, has recently been iterated to 2.0 with a bulk of shiny changes. Learn more about these features ahead of Monday’s Plenary here.
If you’re looking for a new “hot” topic to cover in your next science or geography activity – or even just a topic to help you fall down the rabbit hole that is Wikipedia – this may be just what you need. Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa are two volcanoes in the Hawaiian islands that developed in two parallel tracks over the same hot spot. This isn’t that mysterious. However, the fact that their chemical composites are world’s apart certainly is. Provided by National Geographic, this article gives you key resources and a Teacher Toolkit to get down to the molten bottom of this phenomenon.
If you are a sucker for data visualization, this one is for you. Into linguistics? Even better! This article shows off a visualization of world languages and just how much of the population actually uses them. Within the infographic, macro-languages are broken down into their dialects to show us just how encompassing these broad languages really are. Fun Fact: Even though there are over 7,000 languages across the globe, more than half of the world’s population speaks one of just 23 languages. Now wouldn’t that be killer to see spatially!

Here in the US, we celebrated Independence Day this week. Even though most of us associate the holiday with a long weekend, the waving of flags, and endless cookouts, we may not take the time to think about what similar holidays may mean around the rest of the globe. This map and article give a brief overview of Independence Day for respective countries around the world.
San Diego, Here We Come!
Will you be one of those thousands of geo-geeks heading to San Diego over the next few days? If so, we would love to see you! During Expo at the Esri User Conference, be sure to drop by our booth (#408) to chat us up or just get some spicy swag.
We will also have a couple campaigns going on that allow you to put your place on the map, get a new Instagram picture, and even win some tech prizes to carry home with you. We'll also have a poster up in the Map Gallery exhibit, but that's a conversation for next week's #MarcoMonday!

#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.