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Weekliii Round-Up: News on ArcGIS Pro Publishing and Wind Energy's Future

Writer's picture: iiiiii

Rounding up this week, we have a few posts to share your way we think you will really enjoy. Everything from blockchain technology to the use of ArcGIS Pro in a publishing workflow awaits. Grab another cup of coffee. Sit back, relax, and read on!

While their energy sources may be different, it seems that the industries of Oil and Gas and Wind Energy have more in common than we might think.

From pre-planning activities to the allocation of resources and on to safety standards, the Renewable Energy industries see many of its advances thanks to those made by Oil and Gas throughout the years.

Learn more about lesson learned here.

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March into the week with a quick update on our company, our solutions for ArcGIS, and the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) industry as a whole with this month's newsletter.

As blockchain technology gains momentum, many are discerning how it can be used in geospatial system. Still unsure what this technology consists of? Curious how it might be used in regards to geospatial technology? This article has everything you need to know.

Many organizations are embracing the ArcGIS Pro platform wholeheartedly. For instance, learn how the Texas Department of Transportation has combined the forces of ArcGIS Pro and the agency's ArcGIS Open Data site to create a quick and seamless workflow for data requests and publishing across their organization in this week's #DailyBrainCandiii article.


#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.


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