We are shaking things up with today's #WeekliiiRoundUp post, bringing in a couple high energy pieces in one efficient package. For those looking to get in-tune with their energetic side - whether that be nuclear, natural, or green - there is a little bit of each here...not to mention a bit of data management talk on the side.
It has been no secret that the Oil and Gas industry has experienced a downturn over the last several years. Fortunately though, there is always a rainbow after the rain - in this case, we have been granted double that good news. For the first time since 1957, the United States is projected to be a net exporter of natural gas by year's end. In June, the Energy Information Administration reported that the sale of $593 million worth of natural gas has exceeded our current import value. With more facilities coming online soon, that number is sure to grow. This report talks about what this news means for the natural resources industry and those forecasts on the horizon.
Nuclear power is an energy source that is as persistent as it is powerful. Despite our nation's reliance on other sources like petroleum, natural gas, and budding efforts in wind and solar, companies still strive to make nuclear power a viable option in the energized world. One fault that has not always been in this resource's corner has been size. Often portrayed as a costly resource to produce, a fair amount of this is due to the enormity of these facilities and the underlying cost to construct them. This is a fact that, as of late, may be changing. This article talks about how one company is making strides to create a more compact reactor and how that might impact the industry as a whole.

Need even more energy to kick-start your weekend or fuel those long hours? This week, we announced our continued involvement with the Newleef Green Economy Conference in St. John's, Newfoundland with a talk on Spatial Data Management for Environmental Resources. For those not familiar with this conference, Newleef focuses on Newfoundland and Labrador's green economy, highlighting services, solutions, and standards for those clean technologies in the region. Held this year on October 11 to 12th, we will be leading a discussion on better management practices and approaches for spatial data associated with these environmental resources. For more information about this talk, check out the announcement here. Want to learn more about Newleef in general? Visit their website here.
Side-B: Knowledge Management
Want to get a head start on walking the Spatial Data Management walk and talking the Knowledge Management talk? Be sure to check out the video below on approaches (and our own solutions) for getting the most out of your data - with some headache relievers courtesy of Integrated Marco Studio.

#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.