Let's check out the posts we have shared throughout this week, including the latest post in on ongoing series for the Oil and Gas industry. Have suggestions of content you'd like to see more of? Want to know more about what we do? Reach out!
Our teams do a lot of things here at Integrated Informatics - some of which you may or may not be aware.
From out-of-the-box software built atop Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to developing custom applications and tools to suit the needs of your company, there is a variety of tasks with which can help.
Need training or just help deciding the best ways to implement specific workflows? We know a thing or two about that as well. Learn more about services we offer on our Solutions page - or reach out to gis@integrated-informatics.com if you need help tackling a specific problem.
The United States port district of Houston-Galveston in Texas recently began exporting more crude oil than it imported for the first time on record. This is good news for those working in the Oil and Gas business in southeast Texas.
How does this port district stack up to others in the United States? Where is this oil going? What are the factors that have helped to contribute to this increase?
Well, it is all here in this week's #DailyBrainCandiii post.
Our latest post in our Effectively Managing Pipeline Regulatory Requirements blog series went live this week, detailing ways in which companies can apply technology - both Geographic Information System (GIS) and custom development - to tackle planning for situations like Overland Flow Modeling. Find out what matters most in modeling Fate and Transport situations as well as ways how solutions like Integrated Offsite aide in identifying High Consequence Areas (HCAs) here!
We are no strangers to buzzwords. Machine Learning is one of those that has been shouted across Twitter and tech news non-stop for the last few years. It is also one that people actually know the least about. When you think of Machine Learning, you may conjure up visions of the man behind the curtain - when in fact, it is so much more than that. While this concept might belong in a tech-heavy rendition of Wizard of Oz, it is really a methodology supported by a foundation of math, statistics, data, and programming. Fortunately for those who want to learn more, our favorite #DailyBrainCandiii article of the week is just what you need.
#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.