Let's wind down the week with quick reads we have shared with you throughout this week. From outlooks in the Oil and Gas industry to the importance of getting a grasp on your data storage - and more, it is all here for the reading. Enjoy!

The way in which a developing field in the Oil and Gas industry is planned with differ from project to project. When considering the area, the presence of assets for tie-ins, the possibility of future development, and many more factors - honestly, so many more factors - our teams must choose the approach to development that best supports these circumstances. There are multiple methods for planning the optimal locations of Pipeline Gathering Systems, Well Pad Sites, and Access Roads in a field. Discover what these methods are, their individual benefits, and examples of each in this week's #MeetTheProduct post.
Of all of the IT disciplines, storage has been the most neglected and unappreciated. Think about it...
How often do you actually perform clean up the data stored on your own machine outside of those pesky times you need more space to run an analysis with ArcGIS or find room to store those latest files?
Our guess is not often enough. For storage as it applies to your enterprise network, it is not uncommon for the task of managing it to be consigned to a junior member of the operations team. Its a discipline with few industry certifications, with rules that vary from company to company and often team to team, and - most importantly - one of the most important factors impacting the ease of access and quality of your data stores. Dig deep in this week's #DailyBrainCandiii post and get ideas for ways to review the way you approach this task, coming into the new year organized in all things data management.
Looking forward to the coming months, let's explore what the super-majors in the Oil and Gas industry have on their agendas - goals like increasing sustainability through investing in new and brighter technology, embracing all things digital, and more. Read this week's #DailyBrainCandiii post to see what is on the horizon.
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#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.