This past year, we partnered with cyclist Phil Gaimon to raise money for No Kid Hungry, bringing meals to those across our community. We're excited to announce his goal has been reached! View his full announcement and interview with Integrated's Principal Consultant Jason Humber now.
Operational excellence management systems (OEMS) are an effective way to ensure compliance, cement best practice, and instill a culture of improvement. Going digital with these systems adds value and responsiveness for even more success. Explore the full impact in this week's #DailyBrainCandiii post.
Over the past two decades, these [operational excellence management] systems have proven the most promising approach for achieving operational excellence and instilling a culture of continuous improvement in Oil and Gas companies. Management systems set global expectations for operations, defining common protocols and terminology — shared concepts that unify the organization and allow everyone to communicate clearly about tasks and objectives. By standardizing expectations for operational, commercial and back-office workers, they make it possible to measure and compare performance. Effective management systems also ensure compliance and map accountabilities from the top of the organization to the front line... Just as important, they help companies share successful practices, promoting continuous improvement... In this way, management systems provide the organization with a tool for change, a rudder for the ship.
From travel to tracking developments in the weather, we rely on satellite technology for a number of things the Average Joe may not realize. This week's #DailyBrainCandiii post introduces each Earth satellite in its use - so let's explore this fantastic technology!
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#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.