Did you catch all of our #DailyBrainCandiii posts and announcements this week? If not, have no fear! Catch our favorite articles - and fun, Integrated news - from this week below. Round out your day with a little Geographic Information System (GIS) and Natural Resources knowledge.
Consumers and businesses have embraced Geographic Information Systems (GIS) as a huge boon in their lives - workflows and beyond. With this technology ingrained in their business, what have they found to be the economic value? Is it worth the investment? We may be biased, but we believe that answer to be a resounding, "Yes!". As it turns out, we aren't the only ones who believe as much.
Don't believe us? GIS has continued to show value in many industries - including emergency services...
Geographic Information System (GIS) technology can be leveraged to decrease emergency response time by up to 20 percent in some countries... It can help ahead of an emergency - in preparations for a natural disaster, wherein the technology can spotlight flood risk or show residents better emergency or stopgap evacuation routes.
The current Offshore Energy program instituted by the United States mandates that approximately 94% of the nation's Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) be off limits to leasing and drilling. A new plan has been proposed, the Draft Proposed Program (DPP), that will change the landscape of current Natural Resources coverage - allowing over 90% of OCS acreage and 98% of undiscovered resources in these areas to be considered for possible future leasing, exploration, and development. What does this proposed plan entail and how might it benefit the US? Read more in the original article posted here.

It is no secret that Web Applications are the new norm - and have been for a while. Businesses are shying away from the once-trusty paper map in favor of a resource that can be frequently updated, whose cost for development shows more value than the time and means needed to constantly update and print more static materials. When organizations consider the move to embracing online resources - Web Apps, Web Maps, and Dashboards alike - what are the top things they should consider? Why should you make this move in the first place? We have rounded up a tip (or three) in our Embracing the Online Platform series - primed with examples to get you up and online.
Are you new to the concept and science of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)? Not new, but still unsure what areas it has proven its usefulness? Learn more about this technology that you know, love, and probably never realized was so prevalent in this #DailyBrainCandiii post.
This week we announced our involvement in the 2018 Petroleum Network Education Conference (PNEC) held in Houston, TX in May. Lori Odegard - Senior Business Advisor based in Integrated's Calgary, Alberta office - will be presenting on Enterprise Scale Spatial Data Discovery and Geo-Enrichment. View the full announcement in our News & Events section now.

#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.