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Weekliii Round-Up: News on Offshore Oilfield Technology, Datasaurus Mock Datasets, and More

Writer's picture: iiiiii

We have had quite a few fun #DailyBrainCandiii posts this week. Looking at you, Datasaurus. There is a little bit of everything to get your Friday going - Mystery, intrigue, and data for all! For those celebrating Victoria Day with a long weekend, enjoy!

You can have your data and see it too…or at least, you should. This article urges those analyzing data to always visualize it rather than trusting summary statistics alone. By referencing the Anscombe’s quartet as well as the Datasaurus dataset, the author has created a mock dataset called the Datasaurus Dozen. Similar to the principles and data on which it is based, it illustrates that even though datasets may appear identical over a range of statistical properties they can still surprise you when visualized.

If you haven’t heard, today is National Bike to Work day. You may be trying it out for the first time today, or you may have been a founding member of the bike-to-work club. No matter what part of the spectrum on which you fall, there is one consideration you must always make when commuting via cycle – safety. To encourage this, the city of Los Angeles has put together a web map of locations of hot spots for bicycle traffic related accidents and deaths. It may sound morbid, but this article talks about how having this type of data at the commuter’s fingertips may help them to make better choices with their route – even following an alternate path to avoid high-consequence roads.

We have said it before (or at least thought it), and we are not afraid to say it again...

There are no limits to the industries to which Geographic Information System (GIS) technology may be applied.

Although we ourselves are primarily involved in its application within the Natural Resources and Utilities sectors, we do produce GIS software that is industry agnostic. Over the years, this field itself has elbowed its way into industries like healthcare, emergency response, and even education. Did you know business analytics can be added to this ever-growing list? This article speaks to the connection between geospatial analysis and its use within businesses for development and better targeting of consumers.

Did you keep up with all of the Ooh’s and Ahh’s that came out of this month’s Offshore Technology Conference (OTC)? Held in Houston, Texas, this show provides a huge platform for showcasing new ideas and technologies for the industry’s offshore investments. This article talks of concerns over slumping oil prices and how these recent innovations – specifically those technologies designed for multi-purpose use – could help to curb any further strains on the industry.

A bit like Texas, Big Data prides itself on everything being bigger and better. However, what if bigger is not actually equivalent to better? This article makes an argument for “rebranding” – or at the very least, changing the way we talk about Big Data – to focus more on subsets within the system. Focus on the more manageable pieces, or trees, rather than the entire forest. It is similar to that pesky habit where the longer your To-Do list, the less motivation you have to actually get started on anything. I mean, my “friend” told me about this feeling, anyway. The more looming the amount of data, the more ways in which it can be spread, and the more requirements for who can and cannot process it – All these factors may actually discourage groups from Big Data initiatives because of the daunting feat ahead of them.

Proportional map and infographic of the world's largest languages and how they relate to one another.

This week’s #MapOfTheDay pick comes to us in a variety of languages – 23 different languages to be exact. When viewed at full resolution, the world’s largest languages and how they relate to one another may be seen in much greater detail. The style of this visualization is interesting, as is the information itself. As detailed in its accompanying article, data is shown not only for where languages are prime – but also in respect to the relation of first language speakers, number of countries in which it is spoken, distribution, and popularity of language education.­

The Recap Continues...

Did you catch our #MarcoMonday post this week? We are continuing with the Data Diagnosis Q+A theme, this week allowing Integrated Marco Studio to play good 'ole matchmaker.

Talk the Talk

Happen to be attending the 2017 Annual General Meeting for the Association of Newfoundland Land Surveyors (ANLS) next week? Be sure to check out our talk on Increasing Efficiency and Reliability of Spatial Data Through Integrated Applications scheduled for Friday, May 26th at 1:30PM.


#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.


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