Imagine you have a minute or two to spare and do not know what to do. I know, impossible to fathom. What about a quick stroll in the sunshine? Or even a couple push-ups in that empty conference room down the hall?
Yeah, we would not be down with that either. If you find a moment to waste, waste is catching up on the latest Geographic Information System (GIS) news, app tutorials, and a video or so in today's #WeekliiiRoundUp. And if you're still craving that sunshine? Going mobile is all the rage.

Urban planning just got a touch more inclusive. The abundance of data out in the geo-world coupled with the availability of robust Geographic Information System (GIS) software has opened up avenues for city planners, local governments, and utilities that were previously unavailable. This article discusses the industry's impact on geodesign and the responsibility of these organizations and entities in embracing technology to help them build bigger and better resources.
Earlier this year, ArcGIS Pro made the leap to version 2.0 introducing a slew of functionality that has made it even more of a valuable resource - and in some organizations, a candidate for finally making the move. This platform offers a different way of approaching the mapping conventions previously defined by ArcMap and other ArcGIS Desktop products. Gone are the days of ArcGIS Map Documents (.MXD), introducing instead the ArcGIS Pro Map Project (.APRX). When moving to this platform, organizations should keep this new infrastructure in mind as well as a few additional key points. You know, like ensuring your data is ready for its new home. This post talks about these considerations and ways to ensure you are ready to go Pro.
The advent of Internet of Things (IoT) technology has opened doors for many industries to better streamline their workflows and connect processes where there previously was no path to do so. With this, organizations are being forced to perform a bit of self-reflection to discern where their efficiencies lie and how they may be...well, even more efficient. The Oil and Gas industry is no different. This article talks about the short-term and long-term milestones this industry may need to keep in consideration as well as various case studies where this technology could lend a hand.

When developing a Web Application and/or Web Map, it is important to keep your audience in mind. One way to do this? Pay special attention to their first interaction with it. This post discusses a few key components that should be considered when approaching the creation of such a remarkably beneficial product...which it is sure to be.
There are many resources out in the world that can help nudge you onto the path to success. Everything from wishing on a star to Magic 8 balls, some resources are more reliable than others. These solutions though? Well, let us just say that they are one of a kind. Get a peek at a few of the applications we have available for decision support in the Energy field and beyond. Pipeline routing for Oil and Gas companies, Vegetation Management for Electric Utilities, and more - they are all here to help you get a step or twelve in the right direction.

#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.