Take a break and explore the posts we have shared throughout the week. From advancements in digital technology to Open Source libraries for Python developers, read on more below.
On the hunt for an Open Source Python library that makes creating and sharing spatial data between Geographic Information System (GIS) software like ArcGIS and QGIS easier? Look no further. Check out Python for OGC GeoPackages, now on GitHub.
What is in store for geospatial data and the digital technology that relies upon it? In this week's #DailyBrainCandiii post, we explored everything from Smart Cities to mapping.
As cities get more connected, there's an increased demand for more in-depth map information. Companies are rising to the challenge by using resources like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and crowdsourcing to make better geospatial maps more efficiently than they could before.
New technology is driving the Digital Oilfield Market. Discover how the production optimization and onshore segments play into the shares in this every-growing market - it's all in this week's #DailyBrainCandiii post.
Are you in the St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador area and interested in exploring new opportunities? This week we invited you to join our team at the 2019 St. John's Job Fair to be held at the Sheraton Hotel. This event has been rescheduled - check our Events for more information.

#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.