We have had a lot of cool #DailyBrainCandiii posts this week - including lots of talk about drone technology and the virtual reality revolution. Here's a breakdown of all the good stuff for those of you looking to get geo-educated in your spare time or on your travels back from the Esri User Conference in San Diego.
Here goes!
One of the biggest buzzwords in the technology industry begins with "virtual" and ends with "reality".
Not only is Virtual Reality (VR) technology used for cases like video games and ensuring others enjoy looking their best in a headset - It's also being employed more and more for 3D mapping and planning.
This article talks about this approach of VR in the world of geomatics, combining the Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) worlds for more efficient implementation.

One of the examples shown on the main stage during this week's Plenary session at the Esri User Conference shows us another great solution utilizing the power of virtual reality. Interested in how one utility in New Jersey has been able to employ this technology to help them better locate their assets in the field? This article will give you a bit more insight.
Drones are paving paths in both the realms of technology as well as administration. With laws for drone technology and air traffic differing between countries, it is interesting to see areas make headway in regulations that have potentially hampered development in the past. This article talks about Foremost, Alberta and its advancements in beyond-line-of-site drone testing.
If you have ever watched a TED talk, you'll know how instantly intriguing they can be. If you haven't, well...it's time to do some watching! This resource provides links to a few fantastic talks centered around mapping, geography, and data visualization.
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a...wait, satellite? This post shows off an interesting application highlighting the 1,400 satellites orbiting the Earth.
Did you know that flags have families? Yeah, me either. This week's pick for #MapOfTheDay shows connections of the seven major flag families, with more information about them all after the jump.
On the B-Side
Did you miss our #MarcoMonday post this week? No worries! Catch Integrated Marco Studio and The Office (yes, that The Office) up on the blog.

#DailyBrainCandiii and #WeekliiiRoundUp are inspired by brain candiii, a division of Integrated Informatics that develops Geographic Information System (GIS) training for Energy and Natural Resources professionals.